
Beijing, June 25, 2018 – As French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe is ending his 4-day visit to China, from June 22 to 25, the France China Foundation is proud that past and present members of its Young Leaders Program have been actively participating in the visit. Several Young Leaders were part of the official delegation, some of whom came to sign contracts or agreements with Chinese partners, while around 30 more of them participated in various sequences of the official program.

北京,2018年6月25日 – 在法国总理爱德华·菲利普结束其自6月22日至25日的四天访华行程之际,法中基金会对其“青年领袖”项目现往届成员能够积极参与到此次行程中深感荣幸。多位青年领袖作为法国官方代表团成员,与中国合作伙伴签订了多项合同或协议。另有30多位青年领袖参加了期间若干官方活动。

French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and FCF's Young Leaders, Residency of the French Ambassador in Beijing, June 24, 2018. 

Accompanying Edouard Philippe, himself an Alumnus of the France China Young Leaders Program (2013 session), half a dozen Young Leaders were invited to be members of the official delegation, including Franck Riester, member of parliament; Sybile Veil, CEO, Radio France; Stéphane Rinderknech, CEO China, L’Oréal;Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Deputy Chief Executive, Compagnie des Alpes; Nicolas Houzé, General Director, Galeries Lafayette, BHV; and Antoine Tesnière, Professor of Medicine and Co-Founder of the Department of Simulation, iLUMENS.

爱德华·菲利普总理是法中基金会2013届青年领袖之一,此次他率领的官方代表团中亦有若干青年领袖,他们是:法国国会议员Franck Riester,法国广播公司首席执行官Sybile Veil,欧莱雅中国首席执行官Stéphane Rinderknech,法国阿尔卑斯旅游集团副总经理Agnès Pannier-Runacher,老佛爷百货集团总经理Nicolas Houzé,以及医学教授、iLUMENS模拟中心共同创始人Antoine Tesnière。

Edouard Philippe, Young Leaders members from the Official Delegation, and FCF team

On June 23, in Shanghai, a Panel Discussion was organized by the France China Foundation where the Official Business Delegation accompanying the Prime Minister had the opportunity to meet with 4 Young Leaders and hear them share their experience as entrepreneurs in the big data field (Fang Yi, founder and CEO, Getui), investors in block chain and artificial intelligence (Allen Guo, Founder and Managing Director, 2048 Capital), investment bankers (Jack Lo, Founding Partner, ForCapital Investment Co. Ltd) and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry (Arnaud Favry, Strategic Initiatives Manager for Asia-Pacific, bioMérieux). The event took place at Magda Danysz Gallery, located in the building of The Independents (merger of K2 and Karla Otto) and stirred many questions and fruitful exchanges.

6月23日,由法中基金会组织的主题讨论在上海举行。活动邀请了法国官方代表团中的商界人士与基金会的四位青年领袖见面,并与代表团分享四人在大数据(“个推”创始人兼CEO方毅),区块链和人工智能(“2048资本”创始人兼董事总经理郭春龙),投资(圆力资本创始人卢源鑫),以及制药工业(生物梅里埃亚太战略经理Arnaud Favry)等多个领域的经验。活动在位于The Independents公司(由K2和Karla Otto合资)一层的Magda Danysz画廊举行,这场中法企业家之间的讨论涉及问题层面广泛,成效卓著。

Panel discussion at Magda Danysz Gallery, June 23, 2018, Shanghai

On June 24, a Sino-French Youth Networks Event was held in the presence of the Prime Minister at the Residency of the French Ambassador in Beijing, celebrating successful initiatives by French and Chinese young professionals, enhancing the importance of real and personal ties between youngsters of both countries to forge our relationship. Along with the Young Leaders from the France China Foundation, the other communities were Volontariat International (VI), France Alumni and French Tech. Before Prime Minister Edouard Philippe’s speech, one representative of each group made a short presentation, including Young Leader Alumnus 2013, Cai Jin, Director of China Business Aviation Group and President of GuoChuHuiJin Investments Management.

6月24日,爱德华·菲利普总理出席于北京法国驻华大使官邸举办的“法中青年新网络平台见面会”,该活动旨在庆祝中法两国青年在各领域的杰出成就,增进两国青年的联系。法中基金会的若干青年领袖与法国“国际志愿者(Volontariat International)”代表,中国留法校友会(France Alumni)代表,以及“法国科创”(French Tech)代表共同参加了活动。在每个组织派出一位代表进行简短发言后,爱德华·菲利普总理发表讲话。此次代表法中基金会发言的是2013届青年领袖、中国公务航空集团经理、国储汇金基本管理有限公司董事长蔡晋女士。

Young Leaders during the Sino-French Youth Networks Event, Residency of the French Ambassador in Beijing, June 24, 2018

Created during the summer of 2012 by a team of diplomats, entrepreneurs and artists, the France China Foundation encourages the development of relationships between French and Chinese leaders, to stimulate their interest in the other country and to inspire them to set up joint projects. Its main activity consists of organizing an annual Sino-French «Young Leaders» program, which takes place alternately in China and in France. This four-day seminar brings together about 40 highly talented leaders from China and France who are selected for their outstanding political, economic or cultural backgrounds. 
法中基金会于2012年夏天由法国外交官、企业家和中国艺术家倡导成立,旨在发展法中两国未来的决策者之间长久而友好的联系,激发其对对方国家的兴趣,并鼓励创建联合项目。 基金会的主要活动包括每年组织一次中法“青年领袖”项目,交替在法国和中国举办。每届活动为期4天,聚集40位在政治、经济和文化等领域有卓越成就的中法高潜力人才。
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